Updated Thu 23 January 2025
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Store's Description
Naytal.uk is a new online clinic that provides instant access to a perinatal psychologist for the duration of a woman's pregnancy, birth, and postpartum journey. Naytal recently received EUR356K in pre-seed funding from Fuel Ventures. If you are considering an online perinatal service for yourself or a loved one, Naytal can help.
Founded by female entrepreneurs, Naytal is an online clinic for women that provides instant access to leading health experts from the UK. Using the platform, women can choose a specialist in a range of specialties, including pregnancy, breastfeeding, mental health, pelvic floor health, and physiotherapy. Naytal also features affordable pay-as-you-go prices and offers a variety of services.
The company's mission is to provide affordable and accessible healthcare to women, who may not have access to traditional healthcare. With the help of technology, Naytal can make healthcare more accessible to women in rural and urban areas, providing 24/7 access to specialists. Naytal is a pioneer in this field, closing a pre-seed round led by Fuel Ventures. While the healthcare system has progressed over time, the needs of women have not kept pace. Women are more aware than ever of the importance of taking care of their health but still do not know where to turn for timely advice.