Updated Fri 17 January 2025
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Store's Description
HarperCollins is a global book publisher headquartered in Glasgow, UK. Founded in 1818, HarperCollins is one of the largest publishers of English-language books in the world. The company has offices in London, Glasgow, Honley, Manchester, and Dublin. There are about 850 people working at HarperCollins UK. Its website offers information on its latest titles and sales figures.
In the UK, HarperCollins publishes books in over 200 countries. Its bestselling authors include Agatha Christie, JRR Tolkien, CS Lewis, and more. It also went green in 2007 as the first major UK trade publisher to become carbon neutral. HarperCollins offers a complete range of third-party distribution services. Unlike other publishers, HarperCollins does not accept unsolicited manuscripts.
Besides popular fiction, HarperCollins also publishes non-fiction titles, reference books, and education books. Its history and diverse catalog includes the most celebrated authors and books in the world. With nearly 200 years of publishing, HarperCollins UK is an accessible publisher for both new and experienced bookworms. With so many books to choose from, you're sure to find a new favorite.