Updated Fri 17 January 2025
Easy Terra? Discount Codes
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Old Deals at Easy Terra?
Get your vehicle covered with a comprehensive insurance or third party fire and theft insruance with Octagon! Benefits of the insurance include car servicing with a UK Call Centre, windscreen coverage, accident coverage, audio and satellite navigation coverage, and 90 days of European coverage.
Ended: 2014-01-01
Never worry when you're part of an accident and you're tasked to pay for your policy excess. Octagon's very own Legal Expenses Cover can give you coverage of up to £75,000 for legality costs to retrieve your losses from the individual responsible for the accident. The cover aids you to recover the policy excess from your Octagon insurance; injury or death compensation; car hiring costs; earnings lost; medical fees; recovery of your vehicle; repair costs; and damage to personal belongings.
Ended: 2014-01-01
Get this handy option in case you've actually lost the keys to your car. The Lost Keys Protection can save you from the discomfort caused by your lost car keys. Benefits for having such cover include: up to £1,500 in coverage, up to 3 days of car hire if you've been stranded, a reward of £10 to whoever finds your lost keys, no additional payment needed if you made your claim, and the lost keys claim won't affect the No Claims Bonus.
Ended: 2014-01-01
The Extended Personal Accident Cover gives you a peace of mind if you happen to be the cause of a car accident with additional coverage for the injuries sustained. Benefits you can get with this coverage include accidental death coverage of up to £30,000, a £30,000 coverage for loss of sight in one or both eyes, a £30,000 coverage for loss one or more limbs, a £30,000 coverage of permanent speech loss, a £30,000 coverage of permanent total disability, a £7,500 coverage of total loss in one ear. and a £30,000 coverage of permanent hearing loss in both ears.
Ended: 2014-01-01