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Updated Sat 08 February 2025 Discount Codes

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Old Deals at

Get a single trip travel insurance with Coverwise!

Have yourself covered when you make a single trip to anywhere! The single trip consists of 5 levels: Essentials, Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum; trip cancellation coverage; a trip curtailment cover; medical assistance 24 hours a day and 7 days a week; and emergency medical coverage of £10,000,000 and £15,000,000.

Ended: 2018-12-31

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Get an Annual Multi-Trip coverage with Coverwise!

When you take multiple trips, Coverwise will make sure you're covered wherever you go. The benefits of the coverage include a trip cancellation or curtailment cover starting at £1,000 to as much as £6,000 per individual; up to as much as £15,000,000 for medical expenses; stolen or lost baggage cover of £750 to £3,500 per individual; cover for cash; personal accident assistance; legal expenses cover; personal liability; and emergency medical assistance 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

Ended: 2018-12-31

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Get yourself a Business Insurance with Coverwise!

Make sure you're covered the next time you go out on your business trip! The insurance covers trip cancellation; emergency medical expenses; replacement employee; business samples; with an optional family coverage; trip abandonment, supplier failure, or missed departure for those under the Silver, Gold, or Platinum policy; medical treatment; repatriation assistance; accommodation and transport cost in case of accidents or illness; comprehensive packages for those under the Gold and Platinum policy; and concierge services for those under the Platinum policy.

Ended: 2018-12-31

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Get a Winter Sports and Ski Insurance with Coverwise!

Be sure to get yourself covered the next time you participate in any winter sport! The winter and ski insurance from Coverwise is purposely made for experienced individuals who are into winter sporting activities. Benefits of the policy include on and off piste winter activities; mountain search and rescue expenses; helicopter evaluation costs; piste closure; snowboard and ski hire; medical services; repatriation; damaged, lost or stolen ski equipment; ski pass loss; and physiotherapy for those who are under the Silver, Gold or Platinum policy.

Ended: 2018-12-31

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Codes for other stores..

Offer Terms | Shared July 13, 2022 | Expires March 12, 2031

Offer Terms | Shared September 9, 2015 | Expires December 30, 2039

Offer Terms | Shared March 22, 2016 | Expires July 31, 2025

Offer Terms | Shared February 16, 2016 | Expires February 28, 2027

Offer Terms | Shared July 18, 2019 | Expires December 7, 2039

Store's Description

Coverwise is one of the best travel insurance providers in the UK. The company has long years of experience in the field and numerous happy and loyal customers who have been helped in tough situations and know they will be again if the necessity comes in the future. Whether you are just going on a vacation or are a frequent traveler all-year round, this company will provide you with the most suitable solutions. If you trust them with your travel cover, you can be absolutely sure that no matter what problem arises during your travels – cancelled flights, medical conditions, lost or stolen luggage, problems with hotel bookings, or anything else – the team will be there for you 100%, ensuring that everything is taken care of without leaving you with the worries. Visit today and take a look at your options. Whichever one you choose, it will be affordable and meet all your expectations.