Updated Sat 18 January 2025
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Store's Description
The online meeting software from ClickMeeting allows you to conduct unlimited events. It has a dedicated dashboard for managing more than 100 events and a calendar for upcoming meetings. Prerecorded events are also available and can be played automatically. For more control over the progress of the video, you can add playback and pause options. ClickMeeting does require you to download its software before joining a meeting.
You can sign up for a free trial to see if ClickMeeting is right for you. The free trial runs for seven days and doesn't require a credit card. The video and audio streams are excellent and the service has a number of useful features such as in-meeting polls, a built-in chat, screen sharing, and a waiting room. You can also sign up for the ClickMeeting Academy, an e-library that offers manuals in Adobe PDF. ClickMeeting's Customer Success team is available via live chat, although they're not available twenty-four hours a day.
The ClickMeeting website works on both PCs and Macs and is compatible with major browsers. You can use Internet Explorer 8 or higher, 32-bit Firefox, Mozilla Firefox 3, Google Chrome, and Apple Safari 4 or higher. ClickMeeting integrates with Microsoft Outlook and Google Calendar. It is also compatible with Android devices. You can also share screen with participants through the software. The website's user interface is user-friendly and intuitive.