Updated Fri 17 January 2025
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Old Deals at Butlers Bingo
Be treated with a welcome bonus when you enter a bingo room at Butler Bingo! The Butler will automatically deposit £10 directly to your account just by playing!
Ended: 2018-12-31
Win big as you take your chances in their jackpot worth €/£5,000! You can begin with 30 balls to bingo and increase your chances of making it for a huge win!
Ended: 2018-12-31
Witness giveaways done in reverse! A one line in the BBz Bonanza games will reward you with more than a full house! Follow Astrid and the Friendship and Harmony Schedules for massive wins!
Ended: 2013-06-09
Join the site and amass big wins on The Butler's BIG £10,000! Simply go to the Friendship and Harmony Rooms!
Ended: 2013-06-29