Updated Fri 17 January 2025
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Expired coupons for AirconDirect
Old Deals at AirconDirect
A portable airconditioner from Amcor. It is has a slimeline body; compact enough to fit average sized rooms of 6m x 4m; simple remote control; a cable tidy system situated at the back; come with a 1.5 metre hose; with wheels; a washable and reusable pre-filter; and comes with a 12 month warranty.
Ended: 2018-12-31
A portable air conditioner from Prem-I-Air. It features a multi-function cooling system; a pre-installed dehumidifier; a fan; with a remote control; with a 3 speed fan/cooling system; and a 15,000 BTU/h (4.4 kW) capacity.
Ended: 2018-12-31
A portable airconditioner from Honeywell. It features an LCD display with simple touch controls; comes with a remote control; has a 24 hour timer for a pre-cooling function; 3 cooling functions: dehumidifying, cooling, and fan mode; comes with fitted castors for movement; a temperature setting range of 16 to 32 degrees Celsius; and a 3 year warranty.
Ended: 2018-12-31
An air circulator from Prem-I-Air. It features a silver colour finish; 3 metallic fan blades; a metallic body; available in class I or II; with a net weight 1.63 kg; 3-speed setting; an adjustable fan head; comes fully assembled; with push button controls; and with carrying handles.
Ended: 2018-12-31
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Store's Description
If you're looking for an air conditioner, a heater, a dehumidifier or a fan, you've probably heard about Aircon Direct. Founded in Huddersfield, UK, the company has a wide variety of products to meet your needs. Its website guides customers to various products and variants, including air conditioners, dehumidifiers, humidifiers, fans, and heating appliances. You can also get expert opinions and even get home delivery when ordering from this site.
You can easily shop for air conditioners at Aircon Direct and save on shipping charges by using their online tracking service. Moreover, the company also offers free returns and customer service, so if you're not satisfied with the products you've ordered, you can always return them for a full refund. Aircon Direct welcomes any feedback, negative or positive, and welcomes suggestions for improvement. So, whether you're looking for an air conditioner, heat pump, or any other home appliance, you're sure to find it here.
You can subscribe to their newsletter for the latest news and promotions on the latest air conditioning models. You can also follow their social media accounts to keep updated on their latest offers and deals. Payment for your orders at Aircon Direct can be done via Visa, MasterCard, Delta/Connect, PayPal Finance, and Amazon Pay. They deliver within the United Kingdom and Ireland. You can return any unsuitable product within 14 days of receipt. If you're looking for a discount on your air conditioner, consider a company that offers free delivery.