Updated Fri 17 January 2025
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Expired coupons for Wshful
Old Deals at Wshful
You can play all of your favourite National Lottery instant games online. These include Rich for Life, with a jackpot of £40,000 to live off for the rest of your life. Other games include Bingo, Mega Mouse Trap, £100,000 Gold and many more.
Ended: 2014-01-01
You can also check the results for all games online, this includes the Euromillions, Lotto, Hotpicks and Thunderball. Find out if you have won this draw's jackpot!!!
Ended: 2014-01-01
Missed the shop, or want to set up a regular payment? Play Lotto, Plus 5, Euromillions (including the millionaire raffle), Lotto Hotpicks and Thunderball online.
Ended: 2014-01-01
Codes for other stores..
Store's Description
Wshful.com is one of the newest online gambling platforms that offer a variety of games and jackpots. The site allows you to withdraw money to your bank account and purchases are made using Visa or MasterCard. There are also purchase facilities for users using PayPal. The site offers a number of ways to pay, including a fully automated system. When you win, your winnings are automatically deposited in your WISHFUL account. You can then withdraw them immediately. The site is registered in the UK and is licensed to operate under English law.
WSHFUL offers customers multiple chances to win the lotteries they play. Customers can buy syndicates and can play for as little as PS4 a week. Each subscriber receives a minimum of five entries in each lottery draw. They can also join a syndicate and can share the proceeds. As long as everyone is comfortable with the process, Wshful has been a great success for many lottery players.
For any questions or concerns, WSHFUL has a customer service team that can assist you. You can contact the company using its online contact form, or call their call centre. It is open from 09:00 GMT Monday to Friday and closed on weekends. Additionally, the company has a large number of FAQs you can refer to. These cover common questions like subscription cancellation and payment. The site also offers detailed information on data privacy.