Updated Fri 17 January 2025
Waitrose Cellar Discount Codes
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Expired coupons for Waitrose Cellar
Old Deals at Waitrose Cellar
16 mouthwatering dark chocolate champagne truffles accompanied by a bottle of Alexandre Bonnet Rosé Brut NV Champagne - an indulgent gift that will certainly not be forgotten. Order now!
Ended: 2018-12-31
![Visit Retailer](https://www.lovemyvouchers.co.uk/media/deals/visitstore.png)
This award-winning vodka is a real treat for the connoisseur. Not only a treat to the tongue, but the eye as well with its modern and gorgeous bottle, this vodka is a great gift choice. And it comes with two shot glasses, too! Order now!
Ended: 2018-12-31
![Visit Retailer](https://www.lovemyvouchers.co.uk/media/deals/visitstore.png)
This Sauvignon Blanc is extremely fresh and a great choice if you want to relax and unwind. It comes with tropical fruit hints for a truly zesty finish. Order a bottle now!
Ended: 2018-12-31
![Visit Retailer](https://www.lovemyvouchers.co.uk/media/deals/visitstore.png)
Save 1/3 on champagne and wine at WaitroseCellar.com. Over 300 offers also available with free delivery.
Ended: 2014-12-31
![Visit Retailer](https://www.lovemyvouchers.co.uk/media/deals/visitstore.png)
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Store's Description
For those looking for a high-quality bottle of wine, Waitrose Cellar is the place to go. Not only does this store offer the largest collection of fine wines, but it offers great deals as well. Their whole-case discounts are an excellent way to save money while shopping for your favourite wines. What's more, they have money-saving voucher codes that you can use to buy wine and spirits at great discounts. Use the Independent's platform to find out what deals are available for Waitrose Cellar and what they offer their customers.
If you want to save money while shopping for wine online, the Waitrose Cellar website is an excellent choice. The company offers a vast selection that is unavailable in its branches, as well as hundreds of spirits and 70 local English wines. You can also browse their food-pairing suggestions and wine tips to help you find the perfect bottle of wine. The site also offers customer reviews, where you can read what others have to say about the products. The site also features over 2,000 reviews of its products.
While Waitrose Cellar's lineup changes frequently, the current selection includes white wines from Spain and Sicily. Among the available white wines are Treixadura, a summery Sicilian red. For red wines, you can find whites from the region of Caladoc. The current line-up is a selection of wines from the company's spring 2022 press tasting. Similarly, if you're looking for a special bottle of wine, you'll find some of the most popular wines in their past press tastings.