Updated Sat 15 February 2025
USwitch Discount Codes
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Old Deals at uSwitch
uSwitch.com is offering everyone £80 cashback who switches to a dual fuel plan.
Ended: 2012-01-01

Get a £25 Love2Shop voucher for a single switch and a £50 Love2Shop voucher for a duel fuel switch.
Ended: 2012-01-31

Get an amazing broadband with uSwitch! Compare the UK's best providers and choose the one that will fit you best. Regardless of your choice, however, you can count on speed, reliability and affordability! Try it now!
Ended: 2014-12-31

Get this incredible Apple creation along with 500 minutes and unlimited texts and data at this shockingly low price! Hurry and grab it now!
Ended: 2013-12-31

Buy solar panels for your home and make it environmentally friendly! Moreover, you will earn money for every unit that your panels produce and it goes into the national grid. Or, you can opt for free panels which will still save you tons on your bills! Read more about it at uSwitch!
Ended: 2014-12-31