Updated Fri 17 January 2025
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Store's Description
If you are looking for healthy snacks online, you might be wondering What is uk.graze.com? This website allows you to order snack bars and other foods from a variety of vendors. Graze analyses over 15,000 customer ratings every hour to determine which products are best. Some of the top-selling items include Veggie Protein Power, which is a blend of chickpeas and soybeans. However, some products are not so popular, such as ones made from fennel and caraway seeds.
Graze started out as an internet-based snack box delivery company. It raised $2.55 million from UK investors and was acquired by the US buyout firm Carlyle in 2012. In 2012, Anthony Fletcher was appointed CEO of Graze. He has been credited with transforming the company's fortunes into the success it is today. Graze was listed on the Sunday Times Fast Track 100, a list of the fastest-growing companies in Britain.
In the UK, Graze has expanded its reach into the digital space, with plans to sell snack boxes through Sainsbury's. Graze has also hired customer guru Clive Peoples to help the company grow its offline presence. Since 60% of its web traffic comes from mobile devices, Peoples' job is to ensure that Graze offers an integrated mobile experience. Graze is a good example of a subscription service that works well.
Graze was founded in England in 2008. It was the European version of Netflix, only Graze snacks were shipped instead of DVDs. It has a staff of 350 in the UK. The company opened a second office in New Jersey in 2013 and began beta testing its products there in December 2013. After two weeks, it had over 20,000 customers in the U.S. Graze now employs 60 people in the U.S.
The online store was launched in November 2015 in beta. This website pioneered Magento Commerce and achieved PS3 million in incremental sales revenue within the first year. Graze shop saw a 429 percent increase in conversion rate, a rise from 100 transactions to over 18,700 in the first year. With the support of Inviqa, the Graze shop has become a successful platform for ecommerce.
The company offers 100+ varieties of snacks in healthy boxes. Choose one and Graze will send it directly to your home, office, or workplace. Graze allows you to change your subscriptions whenever you want. It also offers a customizable online rating system to choose snack items. Customers are encouraged to rate the foods before buying them. This allows the company to pick the best products for the customer. If you are unsure about what you'd like to receive, you can always change it!