Updated Thu 23 January 2025
Target Dry Discount Codes
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Expired coupons for Target Dry
Old Deals at Target Dry
Get the Target Dry Laragh Fleece for Women for only £39.99. This features a rose print design on the hood as well as the pockets. It comes in Persian Purple as well as Winterberry and this is made of Anti-pill Sherpa Fleece. There is also a full zip closure with front handwarmer pockets to keep you nice and warm outside.
Ended: 2014-08-01
You can have the Target Dry Stockman Full Length Coat for Men at a low price of £59.99. This is a full length coat that can be used for different seasons. It is waterproof and it has an adjustable canter to make you feel more comfortable while you are wearing it.. The shoulder capes are also detachable and can be used during rainy afternoons.
Ended: 2014-08-01
Your little boy will look adorable with the Target Dry Tractor Wellies. This pair of rubber willies features trucks printed on them. There is also a comfortable insole and lining to make it warm and comfy for his feet.
Ended: 2014-08-01
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Store's Description
If you are looking for outdoor waterproof clothing, Target Dry is the company to go to. This brand places great emphasis on quality, value, and customer service. Its products are attractive and comfortable to wear, and protect you from the elements while providing a stylish look. Whether you are a first time buyer or an experienced outdoor enthusiast, you can find great waterproof clothing at Target Dry, as well as at Waterman's. Listed below are some reasons why Target Dry is such a great brand.
The Target Dry Horizon is a lightweight waterproof, windproof, and breathable jacket. It features fully taped seams and a mesh lining. The hood can be adjusted, but it doesn't stay up on your head well. It also has some flapping around the ears, so it can get in the way of a great view. Overall, this is an excellent jacket for hiking. And if you're a budget-conscious outdoorsperson, you can purchase a Target Dry Horizon hooded hat.