Updated Tue 21 January 2025
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Expired coupons for SpaFinder
Old Deals at SpaFinder
Never miss another SPA deal again! Download this great app and check the available bargains wherever you are!
Ended: 2013-01-01
Book your stay at The Grove now and enjoy a fabulous 30% discount on accommodation and 60 minutes of relaxing and rejuvenating procedures! Book now!
Ended: 2012-12-31
To ensure the maximum efficiency of all the procedures, spend the night at the COMO Shambhala Urban Escape and enjoy a 20% discount! Book now!
Ended: 2012-12-31
Make sure you allow yourself to relax amongst all the festive preparations! Book a SPA day at the Sanctuary and enjoy a free glass of Mulled Cider on Christmas or a free glass of Pink Prosecco on New Year's!
Ended: 2012-12-31
Purchase the most relaxing and fragrant candles at Blossom and Jasmine now to enjoy a masive 25% discount!
Ended: 2013-01-15