Updated Tue 21 January 2025
Shorefield Discount Codes
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Expired coupons for Shorefield
Old Deals at Shorefield
Enjoy a winter break full of memories with Shorefield. Book a family holiday with them from only £339 and enjoy extra 10% discount. Hurry!
Ended: 2018-12-31
Plan your Easter getaway ahead! With Shorefield, you can already secure your booking on your accommodation of choice by paying a deposit today. Book now and save!
Ended: 2018-12-31
Turn your leisure trip into a fantastic short break! At Shorefield, you can save as much as £100 on their last minute deals available in all of their five parks. Book now!
Ended: 2018-12-31
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Store's Description
If you're looking for a holiday that offers a little bit of everything, you should check out Shorefield.co.uk. They offer a variety of holiday packages for families, couples, and groups. From family-friendly to luxury, shorefield.co.uk has something for every budget. And the best part? You can book online! Here's a closer look at how the company works. Here are some important facts about this holiday company.
First of all, they're family-run and have a history dating back to 1958. They operate eight holiday parks along the South Coast of the UK. You'll be delighted by the excellent quality of their holiday homes and other accommodation options. From fully-equipped caravans to luxury lodges, from camping pitches to hot tubs, they have something to suit everyone. And all their locations have extensive leisure facilities. In addition to great views, Shorefield Holidays has a luxurious spa, Reflections Day Spa, and plenty of water sports.