Updated Tue 21 January 2025
Sheridan Discount Codes
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Old Deals at Sheridan
Don’t miss out on one of Sheridan’s biggest sale events! Shop now and be able to save on Australia’s premium bedding and bath products! Available for a limited time only.
Ended: 2018-12-31
Indulge in a luxurious dry down after a relaxing bath! Shop Sheridan’s luxury bath towels now to buy them at just half the original price! Also, be sure to get one of their quick-dry products.
Ended: 2018-12-31
Feel like staying at your favourite hotel with Sheridan’s hotel-weight cotton sheet. This one features an exceptionally high thread count (1000), a superior sateen weave, and ultra-breathability. Buy now at £63!
Ended: 2018-12-31
Codes for other stores..
Store's Description
Bring back the colour and fun to your everyday life at home! Sheridan brings you many of the most fantastic home products from stuff for the bedroom to comfy loungewear that will make your life a little bit more indulgent. What customers love about them are their product collections that emanate creativity, quality, and personality. They are also praised for their second-to-none customer service. Come and visit SheirdanAustralia.co.uk to find out what’s in store for you.
Sheridan is loved by customers around the world for their beautifully designed products for the home. With an extensive range of lovely products, they are confident that you’ll find something you’ll love. Shopping is much more fun with Sheridan!
Bedroom and Bathroom
Whether you’re after a more satisfying night’s sleep or a luxurious after-bath dry down, Sheridan can provide you with something terrific. They are home to many beautiful bedroom products, from quilts covers and bed sheets to bed pillows and pillow cases. They can also help you turn your bedroom into your favourite hotel room without breaking the bank. For the bathroom, they have luxury quick dry towels, bathrobes, and many other products that you need for a luxurious retreat.
Sheridan is also known for their range of homeware products that help can help bring out the best in every home. From aromatherapy candles to room sprays and diffusers, they’ve got something for you. Check them out now!
Every moment you spend at home is precious, so make sure to be as comfortable as you can be with their loungewear. Their pyjamas and sleepwear, knitwear, tops, and pants are made of high-quality materials and are designed to give you the comfort you deserve. They come in a variety of designs with understated style and timeless appeal.
Register for a Sheridan account and enjoy FREE delivery on all your orders!