Updated Tue 21 January 2025
Scent Box Discount Codes
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Current Discount Codes for Scent Box
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Store's Description
Scentbox.co.uk is a subscription box service where you can receive a different perfume or aftershave every month. You can subscribe to the service for six months and receive a box with three different surprise scents each month. Each scent comes with a 30-day supply, three note cards, and interesting information. Secret Scent Box is suitable for men and women and is the perfect way to try new designer fragrances.
This monthly subscription service lets you test out new designer fragrances and aftershaves by letting you choose a 30-day supply of three samples. You can join the service for as little as PS13 per month. There are many different packages available, so you can choose one that suits your budget and taste. The monthly subscription costs PS13 (USD14), and the scents can last up to thirty days.