Updated Sun 16 February 2025
Saga Holidays Discount Codes
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Old Deals at Saga Holidays
The thing is you might be paying much more than you need to on your broadband service, all along. Saga can help you find and switch to the package that best suits your online needs. Visit Saga.co.uk now to find out more!
Ended: 2018-12-31

Ask around and you’ll find out that very few have managed to get the retirement income they want. Stay on track towards your retirement goals by getting your own personalised income report with the help of Saga.
Ended: 2018-12-31

With Saga, you can save 10% on your next holiday without sacrificing quality of your accommodation. There are more than 10,000 cosy cottages for you to choose from. Book now!
Ended: 2018-12-31

Codes for other stores..
Store's Description
Saga is a British company that provides financial and insurance services for the over-50s market. They provide travel insurance, breakdown cover, health and life insurance, home emergency cover, savings and share dealing, and more. Their magazine, Saga, is an award-winning publication published in the UK. They are the largest provider of senior citizen insurance in the UK. They are listed on the London Stock Exchange. Their site contains the latest information on a variety of financial products.
Saga overestimated its ability to extend its brand to new markets. At the time of its 2014 flotation, Saga painted a rosy picture of its future prospects. Its marketing focused on a well-off demographic of the over-50s, and it had a growing database of ten million potential customers. It also had unique insights into its target market. It is now time to refocus and take a different approach to distinctive brand communication.
Among the company's recent initiatives are partnerships with charities, such as the Silver Line. The Silver Line provides free support to older people in the UK, including information and access to local services. They also provide regular friendship calls for older people, a crucial aspect of addressing elder abuse and neglect. Saga has also focused on being an environmentally conscious company. They have quantified their carbon emissions and are committed to becoming a good corporate citizen.