Updated Thu 12 December 2024
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Old Deals at Outdoorcanvas.co.uk
Just some of the suspension types you can choose from includes self adhesive, bamboo frame, aluminium tube frame, outdoor canvas, wooden frame, and hanging frame.
Ended: 2018-12-31
Simply enter your email address and not only will you be regularly sent news and exclusive promotions, but you will also be immediately sent a 10% discount voucher to use on your next order.
Ended: 2018-12-31
If anything goes wrong with your canvas within 3 years, you will get your money back or a replacement free of charge.
Ended: 2018-12-31
Not sure what to get that special someone? Now you can purchase a gift voucher for outdoorcanvas.co.uk and they can decide themselves.
Ended: 2018-12-31
Do you have a beautiful landscape photo, or a great shot of the family that you would simply love to be able to look at every day. Simply upload your own image and get your canvas printed in the size of your choice.
Ended: 2018-12-31
Crop your own image, or take advantage of the free photo assistance service available through the site.
Ended: 2018-12-31
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Store's Description
If you are looking for an art canvas for the outdoors, you will find it at OutdoorCanvas. You will find the widest selection of outdoor canvas paintings online, as well as hanging systems to hang them on. These online art stores are trusted by consumers, who can provide reviews and advice for selecting the right canvas. You can also check out customer testimonials to see how satisfied customers are with their purchases. If you have any questions about outdoor canvas art, you can contact the customer service team through the contact information on the website.
The most popular element for outdoor decor is the canvas print. It is one of the easiest ways to add color and texture to the bare walls of your outdoor living space. This versatile art form is perfect for bringing some colour and life to the exterior of your home. The canvas prints are available in a variety of styles and themes and will suit any room in your home. Whether you want a scene featuring your favourite animals or an artistic image of your garden, outdoorcanvas.co.uk has the right canvas print for you.
You may be worried about how the canvas print will last in the rain because it is made of water-resistant material. However, you can rest assured that it is durable, water-resistant, and free from nickel, smell, and fading. A soft, damp cloth is enough to wipe off any dust on the canvas print and restore it to its original condition. The quality of outdoor canvas prints is a significant factor for their durability.