Sign the Petition for Orlando Bloom Knighthood

In July 2014, Orlando Bloom spoke out for the whole world when he took a swing at the pop singer Justin Bieber, so in recognition for this outstanding contribution to the arts, we are today starting a petition to have him knighted.

If there is anyone who deserves this honourable accolade then it is certainly Mr. Bloom, because with an already amazing film career to date including appearances in The Hobbit and Pirates Of The Caribbean, he has now achieved his crowning glory by punching Bieber.

He already has an Honorary Degree from the University of Kent at Canterbury Cathedral, but this doesn't go far enough in honouring the man who has taken a swing at the most annoying man in pop.

Please add your name below if you would like to support this important cause and let's see if we can get the Queen to make Mr. Bloom Sir Orlando.

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