Updated Thu 23 January 2025
NHL Shop Discount Codes
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Old Deals at NHL Shop
Save £12 on this 39mm Milan Lucic minted bronze coin featuring your favourite NFL player. Comes in a black velour jewellery box along with a certificate of authenticity.
Ended: 2018-12-31
Save a huge £25 on this white long sleeve top made from 100% polyester. Featuring the number 33 on the reverse, with a picture of Zdeno Chara, you can show off your idol in style.
Ended: 2018-12-31
Get this fantastic black t-shirt featuring the Calgary Flames logo for just £10 in the sale while stocks last. Made by Reebok and features the Reebok logo.
Ended: 2018-12-31
Get this collectable miniature Calgary Flames goalie mask as a gift for a fan, or for your own collection. Comes in a clear display box.
Ended: 2018-12-31
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Store's Description
NHL.com is the official website of the National Hockey League. In addition to broadcasting every game in the league, the site offers extensive content. With over 1,312 games each year, the regular season and playoffs require more than national channels to cover the entire season. So, the NHL decided to make the shift to digital marketing technology. This move has proved to be successful, with the site generating more than $2 billion in revenue in just three years.
The website also offers extensive support for users. Among other things, users can control their live game viewing experience by pausing, fast-forwarding, or rewinding. Users can watch multiple games at once, and up to four at a time. Moreover, they can choose one of five alternate camera angles and a first-person ref cam. However, this subscription plan does not have a free trial period, so users should sign up for a month-to-month subscription and then upgrade to the yearly subscription after a month.
NHL draft order is determined by standings at the end of the regular season. The top teams in each division and conference win the first two picks, with the other teams receiving the 29th and 30th picks. Then, the runner-up in the Stanley Cup is the 31st pick, followed by the champions. In all, the NHL is covered by a number of broadcasts, including ABC, ESPN, TNT, and Fox.