Updated Tue 21 January 2025
Moyses Stevens Flowers Discount Codes
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Expired coupons for Moyses Stevens Flowers
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Store's Description
The luxury florist Moyses Stevens has been in business for over a century and offers an extensive range of flowers for all occasions. This florist offers a 24 hour delivery service in London and nationwide and caters for last minute flower orders. To take advantage of this service, order your flowers before 6pm, and Moyses Flowers will deliver them to the recipient as quickly as possible. To make ordering simple, Moyses Stevens offers a flat delivery rate for most flowers ordered.
Moyses Stevens is a florist in London with shops dotted around the city. Its shop on Elizabeth Street in Belgravia is nearest to the Ten Manchester Street Hotel. The florist has a Royal Warrant and has been at the forefront of the city's fashionable floristry scene for over 135 years. It is well-known for pioneering the introduction of new flowers and hand-tied arrangements.
Moyses Stevens specializes in wedding flowers and plants. Their florists use creativity and attention to detail to create stunning wedding flowers. Moyses Stevens has an amazing portfolio and offers wedding consultations, bridal bouquets, table arrangements, and large-scale floral installations. To make things even easier, Moyses Stevens is offering classes so that you can learn about bouquet making. They also offer many other services, including flower delivery to the wedding venue.