Updated Thu 23 January 2025
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Old Deals at Miah
This gorgeous cushion has been reduced from £12.99 in the sale, and features 3D red flowers raised on a black background. A striking accessory that will add a splash of colour to your home.
Ended: 2017-10-01
Reduced from £12.99, this stylish cushion features the Polo Country Club logo, and is available in blue, brown or red.
Ended: 2017-10-01
Transform the look of your bedroom with this striking black and pink duvet set. Reduced from £29.99 to just £25. A contrasting white design is on the reverse of the duvet cover, allowing you to reveal a different colour, or change the look of the room entirely.
Ended: 2017-10-01
This cushion gives off an amazing design that looks well with your bed or sofa. It features a weave design, latte colour scheme, polyester filling, white duck feather body, and cotton outer.
Ended: 2017-10-01
These curtains adds appeal to any home or office interior. It features a stripe design, fully lined cotton, and eyelet ring top heading.
Ended: 2017-10-01
This cushion adds a floral influence in your living room. Purple flower design and machine washable. Made from polyester, white duck feathers, and cotton fabric. Available in varying fillings.
Ended: 2017-10-01
This duvet set adds a stylish and refreshing feel to your bedroom. With floral design. Available in varying sizes and colours.
Ended: 2017-10-01