Updated Thu 23 January 2025
MDF Instruments Discount Codes
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Store's Description
Contact Information
MDF Instruments is an American firm known for selling quality medical equipment including sphygmomanometers, neurological hammers, and stethoscopes. Their production facilities and offices are sprawled out in the U.S., Germany, Taiwan, and China. Their distributors are found in 80+ countries. For further inquiries, they can be reached through telephone (+1.818.357.5647) or email (customer.service@mdfinstruments.com/info@mdfinstruments.com).
Their products are divided into the following categories: Stethoscope, Blood Pressure, and Reflex Hammers. Their items can be broken down according to Patient Type, Auscultation Level, Style, Price, and Color. Each product may have varying color/size options.
MDF Instruments currently keeps a fixed price on all their items.
To make a purchase, click on the desired item, choose a color/size/type, pick the quantity, and add the item to the cart. A notification will inform the buyer that the item has been included in the cart. The buyer can either continue shopping to add more items to the cart or to proceed to checkout. On the checkout page, the user will need to fill in the following: e-mail, billing, shipping, and payment information. A discount code box is available. A summary of the order is displayed on the far right. A newsletter box can be ticked if the buyer wishes to receive updates from the store. To confirm the purchase, click on "Place Order." An e-mail confirmation is sent once the order is officially made.
MDF Instruments accepts the following payment method: credit/debit card (Visa/MasterCard/Discover/American Express) and PayPal. Transactins are made over the Rapid SSL platform and verified by GeoTrust.
MDF Instruments offers delivery on all their items. Orders are shipped anywhere within the 24 to 48-hour period. Once the order has been shipped, the buyer will be informed through e-mail. Delivery times may depend on the buyers location. If located near the warehouse, delivery could be made anywhere within 1 to 6 days. A tracking number is provided for each order made. Adult signature is not required once the item is received. The buyer should leave his/her name and tracking number on the door if he/she happens to be away on the day the item is delivered. Shipping is free within the 50 U.S. states. MDF Instruments is not responsible for any damaged or lost orders. The buyer should contact FedEx or USPS in such instances.
Returns and Exchanges
MDF Instruments offers a 90-day period in trying out any of their products. If the buyer is unsatisfied with the item, it can be returned by contacting customer support via e-mail or telephone. Stethoscopes that have been engraved cannot be returned. All returned items come with a a restocking charge of 15%. Items to be returned must come with an RMA number. If such number is not obtained before order is returned, a handle fee of $5 will be charged. The buyer can request an RMA of the order by contacting customer support and indicating the: refenrence number/original purchase order, customer name, and reason for RMA request. The item to be returned should have all of its original packaging and accessories. The item to be returned must be returned within the 5-day business period after the RMA is issued. The item must be received by MDF Instruments within 10 business days from the time the RMA is issued. Shipping costs, import duties/tariffs, and return shipping fees will not be refunded to the buyer. The buyer will receive a full refund from the returned item (except for the shipping fees). It will several days for the refund to be processed. If the item came in damaged or is defective, it is covered under the manufacturer warranty. Customer support should be contacted through telephone to arrrange an item exchange.