Updated Thu 23 January 2025
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Old Deals at Madeindesign.co.uk
An incredibly modern stone-shaped coffee table that is bound to get some Ooh-s and Aah-s once you have placed it in your home. It is available in white, green, red and dark grey. Order now!
Ended: 2014-12-31
This lamp is so intricately designed that even though it is industrially-made, it looks as if it was hand-crafted. It is available in crystal, white, mind green and lavender. Choose the one most appropriate for your interior and order now!
Ended: 2014-12-31
This giant piece measures W.114 D.26/44,5 H.200 cm and is incredibly versatile. Arrange your precious book collection on the shelves and don't forget to check your appearance in the mirror behind them. In comes in a beautiful combination of glass and mahogany that can fit any interior. Order now!
Ended: 2014-12-31
Just like many other modern homes, yours is probably buried under lengths and lengths of cables. Keep them neat and out of sight with this cute and super functional item. Choose from white, grey, black and red and order now!
Ended: 2014-12-31