Updated Fri 17 January 2025
Macback Discount Codes
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Expired coupons for Macback
Old Deals at Macback
Sell your used Apple device at a reasonable rate and guaranteed efficiency. Benefits include 40-second quote time, 48-hour turnaround time, and immediate bank-transfer/PayPal transaction.
Ended: 2018-12-31
Receive reasonable cash in return for any used bulk Apple/Mac products. Personal details required.
Ended: 2018-12-31
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Store's Description
Looking to upgrade your laptop but cannot find a suitable price for your old MacBook? Look no further as Macback is a website to fulfill all your needs. The company will give you a fair market price of your current MacBook once it collects it through a courier. If you disagree with the quoted price, a Macback representative will contact you offering an alternative price and if there is still a disagreement, the company will simply return your machine the next day. It is as simple as that!
The company aims to serve as a reliable place for users to trade in their old MacBooks. All you need to do is fill an automated quote system, receive our quote price and hit agree. The company sends in a courier on your chosen day to receive your item for testing. Once, everything is verified, you will receive your payment. You can choose to get your payment through Paypal or a simple bank transfer.
The company offers deals in range of Apple products like iMac, PowerBook G4, Mac Pro, MacBook, MacBook Air, Mac Mini, MacBook Pro. iBook or iPad. The company is certified under the ISO program, guaranteeing you a high level of operational efficiency and customer satisfaction, two things very important in the company’s mission and vision.
Macback takes your privacy very seriously. Once it receives your device, all the data is destroyed restoring the device to Apple’s original settings. The company acts in full accordance with the Data Protection Act and Government guidelines, hence you can be 100% sure that you are dealing with the right people. In case of any query, drop a mail at help@macback.co.uk.