Updated Sat 18 January 2025
Lounge Pass Discount Codes
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Old Deals at Lounge Pass
The Oryx Lounge is ideally located at the first floor of terminal Terminal A. This first-class lounge offers refreshments (alcoholic & softdrinks), air-conditioning, internet access, shower facilities and a whole lot more to make your trip relaxing.
Ended: 2014-08-21
Air-conditioned lounge where you can relax and unwind while waiting for your flight. Complete with internet access, telephone, reading materials and refreshments to make your trip in Phuket worthwhile.
Ended: 2014-08-22
This lounge is ideal for international travelers situated on the Mezzanine Level of the Satellite Building. Stay for 3 hours at the elegantly designed lounge offering first-class amenities such as shower facilities, internet and phone access and refreshments.
Ended: 2014-08-22
Make your Vegas trip relaxing by staying at he Club at Las lounge located in Las Vegas NV International Terminal 1. Air-conditioned with flight schedule monitor to keep you updated on your flight status and offers refreshments, internet access and reading materials while you wait.
Ended: 2014-08-22
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Store's Description
Loungepass.com is an online platform where you can purchase a lounge pass for an airline. It is very easy to book and use. Once you buy the pass, you must arrive two hours before departure. However, this time can be difficult to find in airports. To avoid getting lost, print out your booking confirmation. You may also have to mention that you have a Lounge Pass booking to be allowed entry. If you have any problems with the booking process, you can call the customer support or email the lounge.
In addition to providing lounge access, Lounge Pass allows you to connect with the world on its Wi-Fi, watch movies or magazines, and take showers after your flight. This pre-booking service also allows you to reserve a lounge seat ahead of time. Once you buy a pass, you can enjoy lounges in more than 350 airports. Visiting one of these lounges before your flight will ensure that you get the VIP treatment. Lounge Pass is an excellent option if you frequently fly or travel by air.
Lounge Pass is a lifestyle membership service that provides access to over 400 VIP airport lounges across 80 countries. These lounges offer a range of amenities, including catering, newspapers, WiFi, champagne, and quiet spaces. You can even purchase a lounge package for extended stays. Lounge Pass offers great value for money, but make sure you read the terms and conditions before making your purchase. Lounge Pass is well worth the price! When buying your pass, remember to make sure you are aware of any cancellation policies and make sure you plan your travel accordingly.