Updated Thu 23 January 2025
Lechuza Discount Codes
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Store's Description
Lechuza is a German-based self-watering planter and garden furniture company. For UK sales they can be contacted on 01268 490184 or visit their website www.lechuza.co.uk. Their site can be translated into various languages depending on where the consumer is based. They can also be contacted or followed on Instagram and You Tube where there are videos showing new innovative ideas of how their systems work.
Lechuza is a primarily a self-watering planter company which also sells various pieces of garden furniture. The self watering planters can be either for the garden or for indoor plants. They come in various sizes and therefore cost but all offer the same principle which is a way of the product watering the plants as and when required as to oppose the customer having to do it themselves. They have become one of the leading companys in todays market for selling plastic injection moulding products and are continuing to grow across Europe. The furniture they stock is mainly chairs and tables for the garden but they also sell items such as watering cans and various fertilizers. In addition to this they also stock various parts for the planter systems.
Customers wishing to make orders should visit the website www.lechuza.co.uk and create their own account then add items to their cart before proceeding to the checkout where they can purchase their items using various forms of payment such as Visa, Mastercard, Paypal and American Express.
Orders are shipped out using UPS between 7 to 10 working days. Orders up to £10.00 there is a £2.95 charge. Any orders from £10.01 upwards there is a charge of £10.00 (£15.00 for the Channel Islands)
Customers have a 7 day return policy.