Updated Sat 18 January 2025
Kids Electric Cars Discount Codes
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Expired coupons for Kids Electric Cars
Old Deals at Kids Electric Cars
Save 33% on the 6v Licensed Lamborghini Aventador Ride-on Car with remote. It is currently on sale for only £199.95. It is available in 3 different colours-- green, orange and white. These supercars have a full parental safety remote control system and the paintworks on these cars are of top quality.
Ended: 2014-08-01
When you buy an electric car, you can also buy the different electric toy accessories to make it as realistic as possible. They have sign posts, traffic lights as well as helmets, and other spare parts for the electronic car that you bought. You can even have a garage where you can park the electronic vehicle.
Ended: 2014-08-01
Take 50% off on the Black 12V Range Rover Sport Style Ride-On Jeep. It is for sale for only £199.95 and this jeep is the newest design for this year. It is powered by 2 6V 35 Watt motors so that it can still go through any terrain, such as grass, without being stuck.
Ended: 2014-08-01
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Store's Description
These ride-on cars look just like real cars and are sure to attract attention. With such attractive designs, they're sure to get your child's attention. They'll also be safe from being injure by crashing them. Hence, you'll want to buy them as early as possible. The best place to find such cars is Kidselectriccars.co.uk.