Updated Fri 17 January 2025
Kally Sleep Discount Codes
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Store's Description
The website Kally Sleep provides a wide range of products that will help people drift off to sleep. The company has studied the many types of sleeping problems people have and has created products to combat each. In addition, the company supports charities and donates bedding to homeless women in need of short-term accommodation and emotional support. Kally has helped countless people get a good night's sleep. You can read about their charitable work and buy their products at kallysleep.com.
The pillow cover is made of soft material, allowing the user to rest comfortably. It is available in blue, white, sherpa grey, pink, and cream. The Kally body pillow also has an inner cotton and polyester layer attached to it. This helps keep the pillow clean, but does nothing to protect the pillow against harsh spills. The Kally body pillow comes with a 2-year warranty.