Updated Sat 18 January 2025
Hurtigruten Discount Codes
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Old Deals at Hurtigruten
Discover Norway and its changing landscape on the world-famous Classic Round Voyage. It comes with exclusive chartered flights from a regional UK airport to Bergen. Book now!
Ended: 2018-12-31
It takes you to a journey that starts and ends in Tromsø, where you can have the best odds to witness the dazzling Northern Lights. You can also see stunning scenery and allows you to meet fascinating people. Book now!
Ended: 2018-12-31
Enjoy the unique experience that a combination of full winter and midnight sun offers through this cruise. It also takes you to stunning places such as Longyearbyen, Barentsburg, and Bjørnøya. Book now!
Ended: 2017-12-31
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Store's Description
If you are considering taking a cruise in Norway, you will certainly be interested in Hurtigruten's extensive selection of excursions. It is widely acknowledged as the world leader in exploration travel, and you can choose from a wide variety of activities to suit your level of physical fitness and interest. Listed below are just a few of Hurtigruten's excursions. You can also try kayaking on the River Nid or husky sledding in the Arctic. You can even go fishing for piranhas in Maica Lake. There is a Hurtigruten excursion for everyone, from children to adults.
Food on board Hurtigruten is excellent. The chefs use seasonal ingredients and collect fresh produce daily, and you'll be able to enjoy authentic Norwegian cuisine as well as delicious Brazilian and African-inspired dishes. The Hurtigruten also features artwork and sculptures by Norwegian artists. You can also order a special vegan menu to satisfy your dietary needs. Moreover, you can even order a beer or two on board.
The Hurtigruten ships have long been a staple of the Norwegian coastline. They sail to a wide range of destinations, from the Arctic to Antarctica. They offer modern facilities and genuine character. You can also purchase tickets and buy tickets online. Hurtigruten's website makes it simple to book your trip online. You can always ask questions later if you need to. A Hurtigruten reservation will be easy to make and very pleasant to receive.