Updated Sat 18 January 2025
The Holiday Place Discount Codes
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Old Deals at The Holiday Place
Spend a relaxing beach holiday with your special one at the Rawai Palm Beach Resort. The traditional Thai hotel resort is just couple of minutes away from the beach and is complete with free Wi-Fi. Book now at only £599 per person!
Ended: 2018-12-31
Explore and discover the very best of Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos without breaking the bank. This will take you to the exquisite Angkor Wat, the world-famous Halong Bay, and more. Package includes expert local guides and complimentary breakfast. Book now!
Ended: 2018-12-31
There’s nothing better than spending your sweetest moments at the world’s most romantic resort. This luxurious Caribbean village offers a stunning garden oasis beside the beach and an impressive choice of international cuisine. Book now at only £1629 per Person!
Ended: 2018-12-31
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Store's Description
The Holiday Place takes pride of being your dependable holiday makers. They strive to create experiences that are pretty much special and unforgettable, but within your budget. Whether affordable accommodations, all-inclusive holiday packages, or multicentre holidays, they’re confident that you will love travelling with them.
More About This Merchant
The Holiday Place is more than a creator of wonderful vacations and tours, they also make sure that they’re available whenever you need their help even when you’re already in your destination. This is what takes them apart from the others, which many travellers find reassuring. Already have a travel destination in mind? Simply visit HolidayPlace.co.uk and enter few travel details to start your search.
Whether you love turquoise waters and sunny tropical destinations, big historical cities, or outdoor adventures, they’ve got something for you. This travel agency can give you amazingly diverse options for wherever you want to go, from the Caribbean and the Mediterranean to Africa and Asia. We encourage you to browse all of their offers if exploring off-the-beat destinations make you all the more excited. Enjoy!
Travel Packages
The Holiday Place offers all kinds of travel deals, from budget-friendly all-inclusive holidays and hotel-only deals to multicentre holidays deals for the whole family or alone with your special someone. They can take you to once-in-a-lifetime Nile cruise, Safari tour, or ultimate relaxation for your anniversary. You may also browse holidays by activities such as scuba diving and golf.
Special Offers
Travelling around the world is now more possible thanks to the Holiday Place’s special offers, which are especially designed to help you save and make the most out of your trips. Simply click on the Special Offers tab on their main page menu and search based on your preferences. You may be surprised on how much you can get for such affordable costs. Start creating your holiday now!