Updated Fri 17 January 2025
Holiday France Direct Discount Codes
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Old Deals at Holiday France Direct
Whether you want to spend some quiet time indoors or hit the bars - this villa can offer it to you!
Ended: 2013-02-02
The perfect peaceful cottage offers you an 8% discount if you book 10 nights or more!
Ended: 2013-02-02
You can enjoy a fun holiday with many activity options in this cottage. Get 25% off till the end of July!
Ended: 2012-07-31
Enjoy a peaceful holiday among the vineyards of Anjou! The van provides all the essentials for a perfect vacation!
Ended: 2012-08-25
Rent this 4 bedroom holiday cottage, which sleeps up to 10 people comfortably, from just £500. As well as having beautiful riverside views, the cottage also has a private pool.
Ended: 2018-12-31
Rent this beautiful self catering holiday cottage in Brittany, France, from just £185 for a whole week, giving you ample time to explore your surroundings, plus a comfortable bed to return to each evening.
Ended: 2018-12-31
Codes for other stores..
Store's Description
As the name suggests, Holiday France Direct specializes in holiday rental properties in Spain and France. Their website features a variety of properties in Spain, France, and Portugal, all privately owned by the owners. Booking directly with the owners avoids commissions and other expenses related to travel agents. The owners also provide a wealth of experience to help you choose the perfect holiday home. Read on for more information. - What is Holiday France Direct?
First, sign up at the Holiday France Direct website. The website will provide you with login details once you have registered. However, if the website does not accept your login credentials, try the troubleshooting steps below. Try to log in to the site using your Facebook account or email address. If you are unable to sign in, contact the customer support department. They will assist you in resolving the issue.