Updated Fri 17 January 2025
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Old Deals at GreatArt
These great double-sided canvases are produced from 100% Belgian linen and are ideal acrylic and oil paint. Beech wood wedges are included and for the larger canvases there are support bars. Different sizes available include 20cmx50xm, 24cmx30cm, 30cmx30cm, 60cmx60cm and many more.
Ended: 2014-12-31
Produced from a combination of sunflower oil and linseed oil, this great value paint is water soluble and is a fantastic substitute for oil colours. Available in a range of thirty different colours and it two different sizes, pick up a bargain today with prices starting at just £3.35 (was originally £4.35).
Ended: 2014-12-31
These great Da Vinci Nova flat oil brushes are great value right now as they are reduced from £2.41 to £1.40. At 27cm long they are durable and supple and are manufactured from fines synthetic hairs. These brushes are available in a range of 15 different sizes from 3.1mm to 40mm in width. If you create acrylic work and glazes then this product is particularly suitable.
Ended: 2014-12-31