Updated Fri 17 January 2025
Go Skippy Car Insurance Discount Codes
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Old Deals at Go Skippy Car Insurance
Get a quick quote online for your bike insurance from Skippy.
Ended: 2018-12-31
Apply for Gap insurance online with Skippy and receive low price quotes.
Ended: 2018-12-31
Insure your home through Skippy and make sure you get the best home insurance deal.
Ended: 2018-12-31
Get the lowest car insurance quote when you complete the online form at GoSkippy.com
Ended: 2018-12-31
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More About This Merchant
Top-notch quality insurance policies at competitive prices are what you can get from GoSkippy. They are independent insurance broker that brings together both in-house products and deals from many other top insurance providers. Optional insurance features and extras are also available to receive insurance covers that are more tailored to your specific needs.
Car Insurance
At GoSkippy, they believe that car insurance is not an additional expense, rather it is a necessity. This only fuels up their commitment in providing insurance policies that are reliable and affordable. Here, you will be able to get a personalised car insurance that offers covers tailored to a diverse needs and budget. In addition, you may also take advantage of specialist insurance for vintage cars and specialised vehicles, extended car warranty, and other value-added services.
Home Insurance
When choosing a home insurance, people often forget to consider the contents of their houses. This results to an insurance that covers only the building, while excluding the belongings. This is where GoSkippy home insurance stands out. Their policies cover both the building and its contents. But still, you may also opt for a building only or home contents only insurance. It’s up to you.
Bike Insurance
Want your bike get insured? Get a quote for affordable bike insurance that are tailored to your needs from GoSkippy. But before that, pick between comprehensive bike insurance, third party-only insurance, third party + fire & theft insurance, or a provisional insurance.
Van Insurance
Many businesses and professionals, including handymen, cleaners, and florists, use vans for work and ensure income. Here, you can get the best van insurance policies that can keep you protected against financial losses and other risks. These are not only budget-friendly, but also flexible. Just some its extra features include 30-day European cover and legal expenses cover of up to £100,000.