Updated Sat 18 January 2025
FreedomPop Discount Codes
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Old Deals at FreedomPop
Just enter your post code and your email address to check if free mobile services and internet are available in your area. It's that simple! Try it now!
Ended: 2018-12-31
FreedomPop mobile services and internet are available for all Android and iOS devices. So get your SIM now and start enjoying free service!
Ended: 2018-12-31
After you get your FreedomPop SIM card, all you have to do is download the FreedomPop app to start receiving and sending free messages and calls. Get it now!
Ended: 2018-12-31
The FreedomPop 4G network is currently expanding across the UK to offer you even better services, still for free! Get your SIM now!
Ended: 2018-12-31
Codes for other stores..
Store's Description
The first free cellular service offered by a cellular carrier is provided by FreedomPop. This service includes 200 minutes of talk time and 500 texts per month for GSM and CDMA phones. Those who don't want to sign up for a contract can use this service as long as they are under a certain amount of data each month. There are no monthly caps on texts or talk time. You can also make and receive calls on a mobile device using Wi-Fi.
While FreedomPop has been in business for some time, the company has been gaining a lot of attention lately due to its inexpensive services. Before you sign up for their free trial, however, you should know a few things about the company. The services are constantly changing, so do your research before committing. And make sure you don't get caught off guard if you have any problems with the service. Just remember: you can always get a refund if you are not happy.
When you first start with Freedompop, you'll find that the free plan has a limited amount of data. It only gives you 500MB of data. You can buy more data by upgrading to the paid plans. It is worth it to upgrade if you need more data. You'll save up to $600 per year while still having the features of a traditional phone plan. If you want unlimited talk and text, you should sign up for Freedompop's paid plans.