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Updated Sun 16 February 2025 Discount Codes

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Enjoy 50% Off Savings on all Pocket Guides

Take advantage of this great offer and get 50% off savings when you buy this handy, health and safety Pocket Guides.

Ended: 2017-01-01

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Childcare First Aid Kit for only £20.22

Children's safety is very important no matter where we go, that is we need to have this childcare first aid kit at hand all the time.

Ended: 2017-01-01

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Pocket Size Traveling Kit

Buy this pocket sized first aid kit for only £2.95 or £3.54 inc VAT. You can bring this kit anytime and anywhere you go.

Ended: 2017-01-01

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Ended: 2017-01-01

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Quality First Aid Products!

If you're looking for high standard, quality first aid products go to, they offer products that are off great value for your money.

Ended: 2017-01-01

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Offer Terms | Shared September 23, 2016 | Expires July 31, 2025

Offer Terms | Shared February 19, 2016 | Expires December 7, 2039

Offer Terms | Shared December 19, 2018 | Expires January 3, 2039

Offer Terms | Shared January 5, 2017 | Expires May 31, 2025

Offer Terms | Shared January 18, 2018 | Expires December 31, 2040

Store's Description

At, you will find a wide range of first aid kits, bandages, cabinets, wound care, hand hygiene products, sport first aid supplies, dressings, eye wash, personal protection products, manuals, books, and just about anything else that you need relating to first aid. Operated by a company with over 25 years of experience, the site provides the lowest prices available and whether you are looking for first aid products for schools, colleges, universities, work places, sports or home use, is the best place to find everything that you need. There is a clearance section where you can pick up some great deals on products, such as accident book stations, first aid cabinets, blood pressure wrist monitors and key cabinets.

If you work in a business, you may need to requalify every year as a first aider. The HSE recommends this training for workers in all sectors. It is delivered by approved instructors and focuses on the latest recommendations for CPR and Coronavirus. It is a good idea to refresh your knowledge on a regular basis. To learn more about this course, visit To get started, sign up for a free trial course.

You can start your first aid training by attending an ITC course. This qualification is specifically aimed at sports first aiders, so you can learn how to handle common sports injuries. ITC is a recognised first aid provider with the SFA, and teaches training for the SFA medical committee. It also offers paediatric first aid courses, including the ITC Level 3 Award in Emergency Paediatric First Aid. To ensure that your employees know how to respond to a child in need, you can conduct a first aid needs assessment.