Updated Sat 18 January 2025
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Expired coupons for Figleaves
Old Deals at Figleaves
Up to 50% off
Up to 50% across the site on both Womenswear and Menswear - Including some of our biggest brands such as Freya, Elle Macpherson Intimates, Fantasie, Chantelle and Polo Ralph Lauren
Ended: 2012-04-30
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Store's Description
Figleaves is a website based in the UK that offers luxury lingerie, swimwear, nightwear and a variety of other products to customers in over a 100 countries worldwide. Established in 1998, the brand has quickly grown and now serves over 1.2 million customers. Some of the products offered here include babydolls, basques, bustiers, corsets, bras, camisoles, vests, chemises, knickers, shapewear, slips, socks, tights, stockings, suspenders and thermals in the Lingerie section; bikinis, tankinis, beachwear, sandals, flip flops, beach and swimming accessories, and men’s swimwear in the Swimwear section; babydolls, chemises, dressing gowns, night dresses, night shirts, pyjamas, slippers, thermals and men’s nightwear in the Nightwear section; cashmere dresses, dresses, knitwear, lingerie, loungewear, nightwear, socks and tights, swimwear, thermals, tops, t-shirts, trousers, leggings, yoga and gym wear, sandals, and flip flops in the Women section; men’s footwear and accessories, nightwear, shapewear, socks, sportswear, swimwear, thermals and underwear in the Men section; clothes, toys, accessories, gifts, maternity and nursing products in the Baby section, and Gift and Beauty products like aftershave, perfumes and giftcards. Products that are in stock are dispatched the very next working day when ordered here.