Updated Fri 17 January 2025
Edinburgh Airport Discount Codes
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Expired coupons for Edinburgh Airport
Old Deals at Edinburgh Airport
If you want to park close to the terminal building, then then airport terminal multi-storey is the best option for you. Save £181.01 by booking online at edinburghairport.com in advance of your trip.
Ended: 2018-12-31
Book your long stay car parking in advance online at edinburghairport.com, and pay from just £38.99, saving you £81.01 on your Edinburgh Airport car parking.
Ended: 2018-12-31
Seek for great online deals available for economy or executive cars. Rates start at £99 per week.
Ended: 2018-12-31
Pre-book your car parking at the terminal and get to save up to 68% off of your bill.
Ended: 2018-12-31
Book your flight and get to choose from over 120 destinations all around the world.
Ended: 2018-12-31
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Store's Description
The operator of Scotland's national airport is dedicated to making travel sustainable. With affiliation with several airlines, the airport offers terminal and shopping facilities for a convenient and comfortable travel experience. Moreover, the airport's customer-facing staff is highly trained to assist passengers with special needs. The website also offers a list of frequently asked questions for airport customers. However, it is recommended to check in with the Edinburgh Airport before making reservations.
The airport is situated in the city of Edinburgh and has the capacity to handle 2.5 million passengers. It offers flights to 17 destinations worldwide and is accessible via well-signposted access roads. The telephone lines at the airport can be accessed by international travellers for a low rate of up to seven pence per minute, including your phone company's network access charge. In addition, Edinburgh Airport is Scotland's busiest, with more than 14.3 million passengers passing through it in 2018.