Updated Sat 18 January 2025
DXL Discount Codes
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Old Deals at DXL
These pants are easy to wear and has a pull-on style. It features an elastic waistband, internal drawstring, side pockets, rear pocket with Velcro enclosure, and embedded logo.
Ended: 2018-12-31
A lightweight shirt made for relaxation. It features a camp collar, chest pocket, rear pleats, faux-wood buttons, and hem with side vents. Made from rayon fabric.
Ended: 2018-12-31
An MLB Alt shirt with a laid back feel. It features a ribbed-knit crew neck, open short sleeves, straight hem, and chest graphic print. Made from pure cotton fabric.
Ended: 2018-12-31
This sport shirt is beautifully crafted for a relaxed fit. It features bengal stripes, left-chest embroidered logo, button-down collar, centred back pleat, shirttail hem, and barrel cuffs. Made from pure cotton fabric.
Ended: 2018-12-31
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Store's Description
If you're looking for big and tall clothing and shoes, Destination XL has it all. The company also offers extended shoe sizes, and accessories that fit these sizes. But what is this company's hiring process like? Read on to find out. And make sure you don't miss this website's job openings! After all, it's the largest big and tall retailer in the world! Here are some things to look for when applying to this company.
The company's ads showcase an XL guy and a quick-cut transition shot. Through these ads, the XL guy's style and self-confidence are transformed. The ads also remind men to shop for their clothing size. XL clothing doesn't have to be expensive - even if you're looking for a casual pair of jeans. And they have a wide variety of men's clothing in sizes ranging from medium to large, plus size sizing.