Updated Sat 18 January 2025
Celtic Superstore Discount Codes
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Old Deals at Celtic Superstore
Reduced from £36, you can save a huge £23.75 on this long sleeve, zip front top. Features the Celtic logo on the top left and a white zip.
Ended: 2018-12-31
Reduced from £18.99, you can save £12.99 on this fantastic book. Fans of Celtic will love this book as it is packed full of amazing stories and top Celtic football legends.
Ended: 2018-12-31
Reduced from £3, the boys will absolutely adore these No 1 fan socks and will wear them with pride at every match. Available in sizes 13 to 3, with a saving of £2.15 on each pair.
Ended: 2018-12-31
Features a goofy character sporting the full Celtic kit, and includes a plate, knife, fork, and spoon. A perfect way to get the little ones into the team.
Ended: 2018-12-31
Codes for other stores..
Store's Description
The Celtic Superstore had redesigned their flagship store in Glasgow. The new look attracted hundreds of fans, and the club was offering a selection of training and away kits as well. Celtic supporters are excited to get their hands on the new home shirt, away shirt, and third shirt - they are aiming for an all-time high of 10IAR, so the store is a great place to stock up.
Celtic Superstore is the official online store for the Scottish soccer team. You can find the latest Celtic products, including official merchandise and souvenirs. The site is updated regularly, so you can browse their new arrivals and purchase your favourites as soon as possible. You can even get free shipping on orders of over £50, so check it out now. You'll find all sorts of different products, including Celtic New Balance Kit.