Updated Sat 18 January 2025
Cartridge Shop Discount Codes
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Expired coupons for Cartridge Shop
Old Deals at Cartridge Shop
Buy 1 Get 1 Free offer for the 270g 4†x 6†Heavy Weight Professional Glossy Photo Paper x 20. This kind of paper can be used for optimum print quality and there is no minimum order for this product. You can also have this delivered through First Class Delivery for only £3.48.
Ended: 2014-08-01
Get the Special deal out of the HP 940xl C4906/7/8/9 Compatible Black & 5 Colour Ink Cartridge Pack. This pack includes 5 cartridges of ink, 2 of which are black and the rest are magenta, cyan and yellow. The ink levels may not show on this product but it is still guaranteed to work for your printer.
Ended: 2014-08-01
The Special Deal on the Canon PGI-550BKXL/ XLI-551XL BK/C/M/Y Peach Compatible High Capacity 5 Ink Cartridge Pack can be yours for only £23.98. This product pack contains 5 cartridges and there is an integrated chip that can show the ink levels on this cartridge.
Ended: 2014-08-01
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Store's Description
Aside from providing high-quality ink, cartridgeshop.co.uk has great customer support. The company's website has a link for a newsletter, which you can find by signing up above the black band. Additionally, their blog provides free information on computer printing, from changing ink on certain printers to printing greeting cards. As a bonus, you can earn cash back, too. To learn more about Cartridge Shop UK, read on: