Updated Sat 18 January 2025
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Expired coupons for Canadian Affair
Old Deals at Canadian Affair
Available for selected hotels only. Call now for more details!
Ended: 2013-10-01
Choose the most convinient airports for both your departure and your arrival and book a flight with Canadian Affair at unbelievable prices! From London Gatwick, Manchester, Glasgow, Birmingham, Exeter, or Newcastle to Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa, Halifax, Vancouver, Calgary, or Edmonton!
Ended: 2013-10-01
Book your safe departure and return with Canadian Affair and you can be sure your flights will go smoothly! From London Gatwick, Newcastle, Manchester, Exeter, Glasgow, or Birmingham to Toronto, Edmonton, Montreal, Calgary, Ottawa, Vancouver, or Halifax!
Ended: 2013-10-01
This Westbound Canadian trip includes a helicopter tour over the breath taking Canadian Rockies, a rocky mountaineer trail, a visit to Lake Louise and so much more.
Ended: 2018-12-31
Don’t hesitate to book your Canadian trip and you can get up to £420 credit thrown in. Book by 30th October for stays up to the end of the summer 2016 to benefit from this amazing special offer.
Ended: 2015-10-31