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Updated Mon 10 February 2025 Discount Codes

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Save Through The Bivolino Subscription

You can save on your purchase of shirts when you have the Bivolino subscription. This subscription lasts for a year and you will be receiving 8 shirts over this period of time. The great thing about this is you will have a 15% reduction on the total amount you pay for the shirts that you buy.

Ended: 2014-08-01

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Member Get Member Offer

You can earn 10, for every friend that you recommend to them through the member get member offer. Your friend will also benefit from this offer by receiving a 15% off on the purchase of their first shirt they buy from the site.

Ended: 2014-08-01

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Scoperto Tie At £29

The Scoperto Tie is available for only £29 and it is made of 100% silk fabric. It features a Bordeaux mix in colour in a striped pattern. The tie measures 146 cm x 6 cm and the bold colours can easily be paired with a great array of shirts so you don’t have to buy many ties.

Ended: 2014-08-01

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Offer Terms | Shared July 30, 2015 | Expires December 7, 2039

Offer Terms | Shared August 14, 2015 | Expires December 31, 2039

Offer Terms | Shared October 15, 2014 | Expires July 31, 2025

Offer Terms | Shared January 30, 2017 | Expires January 3, 2039

Offer Terms | Shared October 30, 2013 | Expires December 31, 2040

Store's Description

Personalise your custom shirts and design them in 3D with the help of Bivolino. They offer service for both men and women’s shirts in just 4 easy steps. They have biometric sizing technology that will help you find the right size for your body and they guaranty perfect fit. They can deliver the customised shirts to you within 21 days. They also offer customised products aside from shirts such as ties, cufflinks and boxershorts. You can also provide your friends or business partners and employees with gift vouchers that can be bought from their site, They also have shirt style tips for those who are looking for advice on what to wear and how to wear the shirts and you can also join them on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Pinterest. Reviews from previews customers are also available on the site so that you can know what to expect about their service.

With a definite amount of experience in this industry, offers a wide selection of bespoke shirts for men, and their biometric sizing estimator is easy to use. However, the Bivolino website could still benefit from a bit of sprucing up in both its context and layout. Nonetheless, for those who are looking for the ideal bespoke t-shirt, this company is an excellent choice.

For tall men, extra long sleeve shirts are available from them. All you need to do is enter your height and weight to get your perfect fit. You can even choose from long and short sleeve shirts, or choose to have your monogram stitched on the front. As the name implies, comfort is a top priority. Shirts from Bivolino feature slim fittings and twofold 100% cotton poplin fabrics.

The name was originally coined in 1954, after Louis Byvoet's father, Jacques, had been in the linen trade since 1900. Initially, the company produced three-hundred thousand shirts a year at its Hasselt manufacturing plant. Today, the company employs over two hundred and fifty people. Although a family-owned business, they have always embraced new technology. In 1969, the company developed an ergonomic measuring system that allows customers to customize their shirts.