Updated Sat 08 February 2025
Aspinall Foundation Discount Codes
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Old Deals at Aspinall Foundation
Keep small things organised by storing them in this cute and stylish Tiger Trinket Box, which you can buy for as low as £5.99 only.
Ended: 2013-02-02

For just £8.49 you can have this cute and adorable Keel White Tiger Hand Puppet, a perfect idea for kids this season.
Ended: 2013-02-02

Your kids will love to play this adorable, cuddly, soft and hand made Keel Starry Safari Rocker - Monkey toy which you can buy for an affordable price of just £10.99.
Ended: 2013-02-02

Save 20% off when you book your Single Visit Park Howletts or Port Lympne tickets online.
Ended: 2018-02-02

Enjoy a 20% discount when you adopt any animal of your choice for the whole month of December 2012, provided you pay the whole annual fee. A great way to help preserve different animal species is to adopt and sustain their every day needs.
Ended: 2012-12-31

If you have a relative who insists that they don’t need a gift buying for them, then why not get them something that does some good. They get the enjoyment of knowing that their gift has been put to good use, and you get the satisfaction of having given them something. There are many animals to choose from, including elephants, giraffes and anteaters.
Ended: 2018-12-31

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Store's Description
Aspinall Foundation is a world-renowned animal conservation charity. They are dedicated to breeding and protecting rare animals around the world. Their projects include two wildlife parks in the UK, as well as conservation programs in Asia and Africa. In addition, they educate the public about animal diversity and protect threatened species. They accept donations for their projects, including field projects. To learn more, visit aspinallfoundation.org. Let's take a look at their mission statement:
The Aspinall Foundation is a registered charity focused on animal welfare and wildlife conservation. It was founded in 1984 by John Aspinall, the founder of Aspinal of London, a luxury British handbag maker. Its conservation work includes the protection and reintroduction of endangered species such as gorillas and rhinos, as well as the management of wilderness areas. The work of the foundation is highly successful, providing economic benefits for local communities.
The Aspinall Foundation is implementing community-based conservation programs in eastern Madagascar. These projects are aimed at building the capacity of local communities, protecting forest habitats and protecting lemur populations. The foundation has partnered with local communities at each project site to ensure that the community is able to support its work. For example, in eastern Madagascar, the Aspinall Foundation supports six local community associations and a private landowner.